Stacks and Stacks Tips


Here are some helpful hints and tips from our friends at Clutter Control Freak Blog, our customers, and members of NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers)!


  • Suction cups should be "burped" once every six months to maintain optimum suction.
  • Always use a cloth or tissue when handling halogen bulbs, oils from fingers may decrease the life of the bulb.
  • Make sure everything has a home. After all, if you don't know where something belongs, it won't get put away. This home should be close to where you use the item, and items used together should be stored together. - Janise Beguhl, Shipshape Organizing, North Chili, NY.


  • Use the space under your bed with under-bed boxes for dust-free storage.
  • Look for an attractive trunk (which could double as an ottoman or coffee table) to store things like board games and puzzles. -
  • Lazy susans make reaching in the back of cupboards and cabinets a cinch.
  • Use three tiered shelves to elevate cans, boxes, and spices for easy access.


  • In your laundry area have three baskets. One white, one medium color and one dark color. - Easily Organized, Inc., Sarasota, FL.
  • Double your closet hanging space by adding a second rod at 40" from the ground and adjusting the upper rod to 80".
  • Hangers all of the same type work best. A jumble of different types ends up being just that. Invest in the type of hanger that works best for you and discard all the others. - NAPO
  • Dry clean your clothes before storing because moths are attracted to fibers with food stains and perspiration.


  • Keep only supplies you need on a daily basis on the top of your desk. - NAPO
  • When storing papers, always ask "Do I really need this? Will I ever use this again?" If the answer is no or probably not - throw it away!
  • Keep as few files on your desk as possible. Keep them all visual and vertical, not horizontal. - Lee R. Donald, Organizing Associates, Mobile, AL.
  • Organize your in-box to prevent missing deadlines. Divide your mail into several categories: To Act, To Read, To File, To Throw Away (make your waste basket your best friend). Treat your e-mail the same way. - Stania Rensberger, San Diego, CA.
  • Plan a time to file your office papers, at least once a week. When that time comes, turn the pile upside down and start at the bottom. - Janice Kemmer, American Business Organizers, Chino, CA.


Other than for large amounts of very fine wine that one intends to keep for many years, wine can be and should be stored:

  • In an area of fairly constant moderate temperature.
  • An area that does not get high temperatures.
  • A place where the wine will not be moved and is generally undisturbed.
  • If possible, a dark place, especially away from direct sunlight. Places like the bottom of closets, or cellars are fine.

    Keep in mind that most wines are fairly "strong" and can be stored in these conditions without turning bad. Also, most wines are purchased to be consumed in the near future and not meant to be kept for decades.

    Should you want to keep a few bottles at the recommended drinking temperature of around 55-60 degrees, there are many small wine refrigerators that hold up to 17 bottles of wine.


  • Try to keep your wood covered with plastic, canvas, or some type of metal covering.
  • Keep it off the ground and don't let it touch your building. Wood keeps better when there is air circulation. Wood attracts insects and termites so it should never be stored directly adjacent to a wood building.

Types of Firewood:

  • Hardwoods: The best types of firewood to use are Oak, Walnut, or Hickory because they burn hot, and the longest amount of time.
  • Softwoods: Pine, Cedar and Spruce are best used as kindling wood because they tend to burn quickly. Whichever type of wood is selected, try to make sure that it is dry and seasoned.