Painting plastic bins for chic storage alternatives

Photo courtesy IHeartOrganizing.BlogSpot.Com.

I use plastic bins throughout my entire house. They’re great storage and they’re always helpful to have on hand for projects, moving and so much more. But sometimes they can be an eyesore when you have to keep them out in the open. Plastic bins can be re-purposed to create fun and fabulous storage pieces.

  • Stencils: Simple modifications can make the most drab pieces exciting. Small storage pieces like counter top drawer sets are instantly classed up with some simple stencils or decals. Create your own stencil or purchase one from your favorite craft store, tape it in place and fill it in with spray paint, brush or even paint pens.
  • Chalkboard paint: Sometimes modifications are for efficiency. Have a lot of the same plastic bins stacked up in your basement? I do and I’m constantly rummaging through all of them until I find what I’m looking for. It’s frustrating. Adding labels with the use of chalkboard paint makes it super simple to
  • Jute: Ok, so it’s not paint, but covering plastic bins in hemp, jute or even fabric is a quick fix too. I love this cute tutorial from To do it, get yourself a large plastic tote, some casters and your choice of material.