Halloween safety tips for the best trick-or-treating!

It’s time! Crunchy leaves, fun costumes and LOTS of candy. This sugar-high of a holiday is anticipated by kids of all ages, but there is a decent amount of planning that should go into your trick-or-treating to make Halloween safe for your family.

Make sure you are prepared before hitting the town. There are a lot of things you can bring along with you, but the best thing to remember is simple: a flashlight. Small key-chain LED lights are prefect because you can buy one for each kid. Plus, they can be attached to costumes or treat pals.

Looking for treats with little ones? Try using a wagon to move them along. This can save time,  help you when crossing streets and give you space to store extra candy as well! This folding style wagon is perfect for such an outing.

If you’re expecting a big haul, lets kids use the cute little treat pals of their liking, but have mom or dad carry a large tote bag. Every time the pal fills up, empty it into the tote and lighten the load for kids. This way you can keep hitting houses without weighing down the fun.

And finally, when you get your loot home, store it in an airtight plastic tote to keep it fresh. This way your candy will last much longer.