Start ‘em Off Right; Five Tips for Handling Homework

homework helpThe battle over homework was probably the thing I dreaded most about “Back-to-School”. Organizing a homework routine helps a lot. Here are five tips I found extremely helpful when my kids were little:

  • Have a regular homework time everyday. Usually the earlier, the better; before they’re too tired. We had a 30-minute snack and rest time when they got home.
  • Designate an area for homework: the kitchen table or a desk in their room – some place neat and quiet.

[LG]Make Dr. appts for kids’ back to school checkups.[/LG]
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Getting Organized Is More Than Adding or Subtracting

U-haul storageThe other day, as I was driving across town I saw this sign. I just had to stop and take a picture of it because it reminded me of the misguided notion that a lot of people hold about organizing, apparently U-Haul included.
Newsflash: Storing stuff is NOT organizing. Containerizing is NOT organizing. And for Pete’s sake, just getting rid of stuff isn’t organizing either. These things all play into the organizing process, but standing alone they all just, well… stand alone.
Storing, containerizing and throwing out aren’t organizing because you can store clutter, you can certainly containerize clutter (my clients do it all the time) and you can for sure get rid of stuff and still not be organized. Continue Reading

Neat & Simple Tips for Preventing School Paper Clutter!

It’s almost Back to School Time! Each new school year presents a fresh organizing challenge. How do you manage the constant flow of paper work – tests, homework, schedules?
Here are some tips to help you design a system to keep school paper organized and under control.
Set guidelines for what to keep and what NOT to keep UP FRONT. The best way to keep paper under control is not to keep too much of it in the first place. [LG]Here’s a great wicker file box![/LG]
Deciding up front what to let go of will:
o teach your child how to think ahead and clarify what’s important.
o make it easier for your kids to make decisions independently. Continue Reading